

4 Pieces of Underwear That Makes Farts Smell Good

We live in a time of fast technological advancement. Two decades ago it was cool to own a home computer desk top because it...

4 High Heel Shoes for Purple Dress

Purple is a very popular color. Unsurprisingly women like to wear purple dresses for a lot of different occasions and settings. But with any...

Top 3 Underwear For Transmen

Transgender have enough problems. I can't do much to help with those problems other than support and advocate, but I can solve a problem...

3 Forever In-Style Jacket Jeans With The Fur

When you think of jeans you think of the pants one wears to casual and business casual affairs. I'm sure you don't often think...

Top 5 Underwear That Doesn’t Show Lines

You found the perfect dress or jeans or leggings. It fits like it was made for you. It's comfortable, it's cute, it's a wonderful...

4 Tank Shirts That Show Your Sides

Lately there have been interesting trends in fashion that show unconventional cuts and necklines and there is some more showing of skin. One such...

3 Special Slipper Shoes for Problem Feet

Do you ever think about your feet? I'm sure you only notice them and their importance when they are hurting after a long day...

Top 3 Shirts That Show Your Back

Most ladies think sexy means flaunting your legs or uncovering a bit (or a ton of cleavage). Some even toss in a look at...

3 Spectacular Jackets That Light Up

LED jackets or jackets that light up are very awesome as well as being attractive. They are normal jackets by day, but you can...

3 Compact Jackets That Fold Into A Pouch

When you love the great outdoors you know you need to be ready for anything that comes your way. Whether you are taking a...

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