Home Ties
7 Ties That Cowboys Wear
What is a bolo tie? Simply it is a pendant of varying decorations usually of a bull's head that holds together a black string....
7 Ties That Clip On Quickly
In this fast paced modern world people barely have time to tie their shoes and those laces require a simple knotting, whereas a tie...
3 Chameleon Ties That Change Color
Ties used to be only for business. They were normal and considered to be warn to demonstrate your seriousness. Now ties are considered more...
6 Ties That Are Flat On The Bottom
When you think of a tie you probably imagine a long strip of fabric ending in a point. This is the typical, classic tie....
7 Deal-Winning Ties for Work
Congratulations on the promotion!
You now have a company parking space, your own office, a lot of new responsibilities, more money, and people who...
13 Interesting Ties for Quilts
Quilts have been around for a very long time.
Friends donate patches that hold special meaning for another friend on special occasions. Or you...
6 Friendly Ties for Doctors
Sometimes there are ties you can wear that are somewhat specific to your profession. And being a doctor you can wear a special kind...
4 Inspiring Ties for Church
Looking your Sunday best. Put on your Sunday clothes.
These are both phrases that mean to look nice. Basically look like you want to...